1724 10th Street, Suite 110, Sacramento, CA 95811 [email protected] 916.444.0288



Tracking legislation, primarily at the state level, on topics including single family housing development; multifamily financing and development; monitoring and compliance; and housing element, environmental and land use law.

Program Advocacy.
Tracking program developments at CalHFA, State Department of Housing, Tax Credit Allocation Committee and the Debt Limit Allocation Committee. Participating in the development of rules and regulations which govern these state programs.

Educational Opportunities.
Serving as a bridge between state and local agencies by providing affordable training and information sharing that helps both the state and local agencies manage the inevitable conflict between state mandates and local control.

Preparing and distributing regular newsletters and special legislative alerts as programs and policies affecting affordable housing develop.

Individual Member Services.
Providing advocacy and advice on local or agency matters as requested.

Single Family Symposium.
One of the few places where single family advocates can gather and share their programs. The underlying goal of the Symposium is to help underserved communities build wealth and increase social equity through single family homeownership. (Held consecutively with the Annual Meeting)

CAL-ALHFA Annual Meeting.

Addresses affordable multifamily development with a comprehensive review of new state housing legislation and state program performance. State legislators and staff from key committees outline their achievements and plans for the future. State program officials and staff also share program activities and plans. (Held consecutively with the Single Family Symposium.)Member Benefits

Joining CAL-ALHFA will benefit your organization in numerous significant ways, the most important of which is GIVING YOUR ORGANIZATION CONSISTENT, PROFESSIONAL REPRESENTATION IN THE STATE CAPITOL AND IN AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMS through:
– Regular participation in legislative hearings and events affecting affordable housing developments
– Regular attendance at state program hearings
– Participation in legislative and programmatic working groups


LIAISON SERVICES BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS AND STATE LEGISLATORS AND PROGRAM ADMINISTRATORS CAL-ALHFA is the only statewide association that bridges the distance between local housing finance agencies and their associates and state legislation and programs. We provide a forum for intelligent discussion of issues affecting the operations of local agencies and their partners, not a screaming match from two sides of the canyon. Joining CAL-ALHFA strengthens all of our members by coming together as one unified voice for efficient, economical affordable housing development.

Please renew or join with us today!

If you work for a local agency (City or County planning department, housing development office, code enforcement, etc.) Housing Successor Agency, Public Housing Authority, Local Housing Trust or other public entity you will be joining the oldest housing association devoted to representing local interests from all reaches of the state in housing development in California.

If you are a developer, lender, investor, or consultant you will be associating with individuals with decision-making authority at the local level.